Episode 132: A Cork in the Road

Wine explorer and host Kelly Cornett sits down with influential people shaping the wine industry and guest for episode 132 is the Napa Valley’s Mark Neal. Mark grew up in Rutherford region of Napa Valley, a son of a farmer and first generation daughter of Greek immigrants, and as Mark has said “Farming is all I’ve ever known.”

Mark joined his father’s farming business in 1968 and has been working with stories vineyard properties with Jack Neal & Son. Mark continues his father legacy today as the owner J&S vineyard management and further more with Neal Vineyards.

This podcast takes a deep look at Mark’s innovative farming practices, including the acclaimed Dual Varietal Trellis System and the various benefits of these practices as well as the value of the people within the vineyard practice and wine making. A Napa Valley history lesson as well as inspiring farming methods shaping the future.

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